As a CPA firm, we prepare many different types of tax returns. Tax returns are necessary for all taxpayers, but all tax returns are not prepared alike. Most people see tax returns as a routine or an easy job, but if you have a business or a tax strategy, the tax returns are typically not that easy. In fact, if you have a business, the likelihood that your tax returns have been prepared incorrectly is very high. The reason for mistakes is that not all tax preparers understand tax laws and/or they are in a rush to get the tax return done quickly. Unfortunately, when a tax return is done incorrectly, the risks for penalties and interests are with the taxpayers. Also, do you know that a lot of larger CPA firms outsource the tax preparation process to a company in India? We prepare the returns at our office, as the returns are typically the annual conclusion to a tax and business strategy – we like to keep the information confidential.
Our clients, whom typically own and operate privately held businesses, have more complex tax returns that require the expertise of a professional. During our tax return preparation process, we are also looking at other ways to make the client more tax efficient.
Though some tax preparers may be cheaper than us – are they really cheaper in the long run if they are doing your tax returns incorrectly? Do you know if you really had to pay all that tax? Do you know if your tax return has taken illegal positions? Wouldn’t you rather implement a tax strategy that is correct, safe, and legally reduces your taxes? At Vertical Advisors, we have numerous years working with US Tax laws, which provides us with an advantage over most other tax preparation firms. Our staff has an advanced understanding of tax law and some with education in taxation (Master of Science in Taxation). Our tax preparation process is first class. We prepare the tax returns with the client and the IRS in mind. Even though our client audit history is significantly minimal, we feel confident that each return can stand up to a potential IRS or State(s) Audit.
Our Tax Preparation Services include Federal & State(s) services as follows:
- Individual
- S Corporation
- Gift
- Amended
- Partnerships
- Estate
- Sales Tax
- NOL Carry Back
- Corporate
- Trust
- Property Tax
- Late & Much More…